Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yep - we're preggers

Jason and I really weren't trying to get pregnant. But I also wasn't doing a good job of "preventing" pregnancy either! Last summer we switched to organic food, I began exercising vigorously, we watched The Secret numerous times, we used mostly organic skin care products from Arbonne and we both felt great. To me, it seemed silly to be so healthy and then be altering my chemical makeup with birth control.
So when we went on a trip to celebrate our 5-year anniversary, I didn't think anything of it. Ironically, we did always say we were on the "5-year plan." Who knew that we would stick to that plan with absolute certainty! We conceived on Oct. 19, 2007 - exactly five years after we were wed.

This is me at 22 weeks on March 6. At this point, we were told it was a girl, but we didn't want to completely feminize the nursery in case technology failed us.

Another thing that surprised us slightly about it being a girl was that I had previously
dreampt about our son, whom we had already named Calvin. We hadn't really settled on a girl's name yet. I liked Corrinne, Caroline and Catalina. Jason liked Jasmine. I couldn't disassociate Jasmine from the Aladdin character. And someone said Catalina made them think of the Spanish maid on My Name is Earl. So when Jason put "Sweet Caroline" on and made me sing karaoke, it was decided. Her name would be Caroline. Now the challenge was finding a middle name that repeated my initials - C.A.S.

Any suggestions?

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