Friday, July 11, 2008

Princess Caroline is here!

Monday, July 7, Jason and I went to bed around midnight. Around 12:30 a.m., I ran to the bathroom and realized my water broke - for real!

We showered, packed up and having been through dress rehearsal on Sunday night, knew exactly what to do when we got to the hospital. We checked in around 1:30 a.m. By 4 a.m., we were hooked up to Pitocin to induce contractions since my water had already broken (to expedite delivery and prevent infection). By 9 a.m. my contractions had intensified to the point where I could no longer attempt to go natural, so I succumbed to the epidural, much to my dismay!

Once the epidural was in, dilation increased, but very slowly. By 6 p.m. I was dilated 8 cm, but still not enough to begin pushing. However, within an hour, I was fully dilated, so we began pushing. After pushing for two hours, Caroline was not coming out as the doctor recommended we go into surgery. By this time I had been in labor for 16 hours and had been puking in between pushes due to the high level of pain combined with Pitocin and the epidural.

Although I was even more distraught that I had to have a C section, in the long run it was worth it. Jason was so supportive throughout the entire labor and delivery process. He felt horrible that I was in so much pain, but did a great job rubbing my back and tending to my needs as best he could throughout the long process - especially considering that neither of us had slept for 36 hours. In my mind, I kept thinking - how do people do this more than once? I also tried to psych myself out by imagining the pain of soldiers in warfare or the joy I would endure once Caroline arrived safe and sound.

During surgery, we discovered that Caroline couldn't get out because my tailbone protrudes at an angle that wouldn't let her pass without difficulty. So, it was a blessing we opted for surgery and didn't try to push any longer since it could have hurt her.

She was well worth it! Beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, 7 lbs, 4 oz., 19 inches long born at 9:18 p.m. Tuesday, July 8.

Check out pictures at

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