Saturday, September 13, 2008

Caroline: 2 mos old!

I can't believe it's been an entire month since the last blog! But then again, we have been busy living life!

Over the past month, we spent a week at Lake Wawasee with no Internet and limited TV - which was wonderful; visited with both sides of the family; Caroline enjoyed her first camping trip, symphony on the prairie and her first day at daycare as Mom assimilated back into the traditional workplace. But it's not all that traditional - in fact, it's pretty unique. Celeste started a new job at TriMedx, a faith-based, family-friendly healthcare services company that is growing. She also started classes again, so life is busy again, but very full and rich. It's never a dull moment at the Stanley house!

As you can see, Caroline is growing fast. She is about 11 lbs now, and very long. She's still working on holding her head up completely on her own, but she loves to straighten her legs and support her whole body when you hold her up. We wonder if that means she will walk sooner? She is very strong. Her teachers at daycare say she is their favorite, so she gets a lot of extra attention. She still loves music, and has begun to smile here and there, but it's not constant just yet. She coos sometimes, too, which is such a wonderful sound.

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