Sunday, November 9, 2008

Aunt Ang, Uncle Alex and Aunt Court visit

Caroline's 4-month milestone was greeted by Aunt Ang, who flew in from Florida, and Uncle Alex and Aunt Court who drove six hours from Iowa City to play with her.

It was great to catch up and watch all the babies play together. Court and Alex brought their baby, Rico, a chihuahua, who played with Aslan and Venus all weekend. He was so well behaved! What a cutie!

And Aunt Ang was nice enough to watch Caroline on Friday while Mom went to work. She enlightened Caroline on what's new in heart health - sharing insight from her latest Cardiology rotation in Tampa. Maybe Caroline will want to be a heart doctor, too, someday?!

It's hard to believe I've known Ang and Court since elementary school. I remember when Angie came to Avon from Ohio. And I remember when I first started hanging out with Courtney at sports camp in 5th grade. No matter how much time passes between our visits, nothing changes...I know when we're old and gray we can still sit around and chat just like we did back in the day. Caroline is so blessed to have such wonderful people in her life. And Uncle Alex is an extra bonus! Can't wait until our next visit sometime in 2009. Just imagine how much Miss Caroline will grow between now and then...

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